Our Partners
The transnational partnership is important for the transfer of know how related to new learning methodologies, using digital tools and could contribute to the development of common European standards and learning practices. The experience and specific expertise of partner organisations involved in adult learning will be benefic for stimulating /encouraging the use of innovative digital technology in case of learning facilitators who are working with people with low digital competences, facing difficulties in integrating on labor market.
The project will be implemented in 3 countries (Romania, Portugal and Germany) with the resourceful collaboration of 4 involved organisations.
- Fundatia pentru Promovarea Intreprinderilor Mici si Mijlocii, Romania
- Fundação de Ensino Profissional da Praia da Vitória, Portugal
- ISOB GMBH, Germany
FPIMM Brasov is an organization specialized in providing business consulting services: accessing European and governamental non-reimbursable funds for investment projects, start up financing, entrepreneurship and human resources development.
LINK: http://www.fpimm.ro/en
Storytellme is a company that sells products and services that combine entertainment with literacy through personalization. Develops enterprise solutions based on the tools of Design Thinking, StoryTelling, creative design methodologies for learning and process innovation.
Fundação de Ensino Profissional da Praia da Vitória is propriety of the EPPV - Vocational School of Praia da Vitória – which is a non-lucrative educational institution of private nature, which serves public interest.
LINK: http://www.feppv.pt/
ISOB is a private organisation for research, development and evaluation, founded 1990; in 2003 it was founded as a limited company (ISOB GmbH). Fields of work: evaluation and quality assurance of development projects in the field of entrepreneurship, workplace learning, digital learning and Learning Region approaches.
LINK: www.isob-regensburg.net